Friday, December 19, 2014


I chased a dream that slipped away.
I fought, I prayed, and it slipped away.
I cried, I screamed, and gave up that day.
I simply could not make my dream stay.
The sadness, the loss, and oh the dismay…
Oh why, oh why couldn't I make it stay?
Softly a thought ventured my way.
I cradled it, I nurtured it, and HEY!
A new dream, it appeared this day.
Alone my plans will wither and decay.
Dreams manifest at the hands of Yahweh.
His design, His display, His dream; Yahweh!
Thoughts abound in a yummy sorbet.
I sculpt; I adore, and press in to this dream like clay.
I lift my head; lift my soul in this beautiful dream ballet.

Back in the day, the elementary era, dreams were akin to my most coveted indulgence. They were totally exhilarating, sweet, and yummy, with an out of this world grandeur.  A time when doubt was itty bitty and faith was the size of galaxies! I loved dreaming! WHAT HAPPENED?!?!? Ugggh!  Complications piled up. Doubt ran amok with its sly, nasty, probe-like feelers. After doubt, came fear! Or maybe it was the other way around. Who knows? If doubt is the mother, then fear is the father of all dream crushers!  Before I could even learn what to do with dreams, before I knew the next step, I had already been crushed with defeat. I went through many years of refusing to dream or allowing those around me to fully express theirs without reprimand. I was lost. It would be years (like a couple decades) before I knew that a dream without a plan is no dream at all! A dream without a plan marred with doubt and fear equals a disaster. I was a disaster! Or, at least my thoughts were! Dreams need plans as well as freedom from fear and doubt. The journey to quiet the voices of fear and doubt in my head has been a treacherous one. I am far away from mastering that goal. Though, I am on my way with a definite purpose.  I now choose to say no to fear and doubt. This decision, while sometimes difficult and may seem full of risk, makes room for the next step. It most often pays off.  The decision must induce action! Action results in the [aha!] moment(s). These are the moments of a lifetime.  We are who we are, where we are, and what we are for a reason. We have purpose, desire, and immeasurable worth!

I remind myself regularly that a dream is only realized when it begins with a plan and that plan is put into action.

Step 1    Forgive the past
       (the unhelpful parts (forgive), remember the lessons learned (forgive)
Step 2   Clear the mind (LOVE)
Step 3   Decide
Step 4   Plan
Step 5   Act (CHASE)

I squash fear and doubt (clearing my mind) giving the plan room and a place to reside. Dreams are amazing! Dreams help us thrive! Who wants to JUST  survive life? Bump that! Let’s THRIVE.

So, let's...
Let's remind ourselves...
Though, we might now and again be surrounded by people, yet feel deserted. We have not journeyed alone. The agony might gently try to enter the hidden corridors of our hearts! Fears and doubt in solitude might spread like wildfire! So, let's say, "NO, doubt! NOT today!" We remain on guard, speak LOUD, and with GREAT TRUTH! "NOT alone! NOT ALONE! GOD IS WITH US!"

There never was this step by step guide out of the trench. I tried a few supposed ones. There just came this point where I wanted more, SO MUCH MORE! Near that point, a book was recommended to me by a friend! I love that God works this way! She was sweet and let me borrow it! I read it cover to cover in one day! Looking back it might very well have been the pivotal moment in my Dream Chasing journey. This book touched my heart so deeply! My heart became immeasurably softer that day! Often, life's greatest dreams begin their realization with a soft heart! It's funny too, because I hated reading for years! YEARS, I tell you! Most of my young life I fled from reading with a passion! As a young adult, married with kids, I would (begrudgingly) read one or two here and there for guidance through a current challenge. The day I got "THE BOOK," the game changed. I now read an ample amount. Each one with its' own perspective. The great mentors/authors all seem to have similar thoughts sprinkled throughout their messages, It's totally fun to discover their parallels! Sometimes their slight differences are mind blowing! The greatest reality of all is that, with new perspective, we get to move forward and realize who God made us to be!

Go out and find your new perspective! Even if it's not in a book! The world around us offers inspiration beyond our imaginations. Take time to look. It might just ignite your DREAM CHASING JOURNEY!


Fight, fail, and go again! Fight, succeed, and go again!

Keep close to Him. Keep moving forward. 

Forgive. Love. Decide. Plan. Act.  


Much love Dream Chasers!

Wait, please! B4-U-GO!

How do you chase your dreams? 

Please share in the comments below!

Visit Krysti's profile on Pinterest.